Friday, May 13, 2011

My Tracksters

So . . .  both of my girls are running track this year -- Mikah as a sophomore (her 5th year already!), and Lukah as a 7th grader (her 2nd year). 

While I do not particularly enjoy sitting in the frigid cold and wind (and usually rain) for the season, I do appreciate track for these reasons:
  1. Everyone "plays".
  2. The team spirit, as far as being supportive of one another, is the best out of any sport I've seen yet.
  3. While it's a "team sport", it's all about achieving one's personal best (or as they like to say in track lingo . . . PR (personal record).
  4. They sell delicious nachos supreme and puppy chow at the concession stand (or so I've been told . . . :)).
  5. Even if it's freezing outside, I have a great time taking millions of pictures in great outdoor lighting. 
  6. Speaking of pictures, I've found it's quite fun to catch those "jumping" events in particular. 
  7. And, last but not least, these kids "got heart"!  Running and running and running like that in practically all weather elements?  I guess it's not for me.  :)
The season is winding down  -- tonight Mikah had sectionals in Monticello and tomorrow Lukah has sectionals in Rochester.  I wish them both the best of luck and want them each to know how proud I am of them and their seasons. 

With that, here are my favorite pictures from their seasons . . .


Mikah's season started first -- EARLY in March!  In fact, she had to miss the first few indoor meets because she was still in dance.  Anyway, she ran the 800M this year and loves it! 

One thing I found out from photographing her while she's  running is she makes the most FABULOUS faces . . . check 'em out! 

Here she's getting ready to start.  FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS!  

She looks like she's praying for a good run.  :)

On your mark, get set, GO!

Look at that face!  :)

I love her ponytail flying in this one (and her facials too, but the poor thing looks like she is in HORRIBLE pain!)!

Lukah's meets started in mid-April.  This was the first year she has tried pole vault.  She absolutely LOVES it.  I'm  personally amazed at any human being who can CATAPOLT their body over that pole . . . even at the lowest height they set it.   

Here she is concentrating before she takes off. . .

Running (or maybe it's called "bounding?" for her vault. 
(Her face makes me chuckle!)

Didn't make this one over, but the face is PRICELESS!

Now these are from early on, so they don't show how high she can jump now -- her PR was 7' this year!  That's not too shabby for a first year . . . or for any year for some people like her mommy  who couldn't vault over a 1 foot pole.   

Can't wait to see what she can do in the future.  :)

Looks like she's flying!  FUN, FUN, FUN! 
Scary, scary, scary for mommy to watch!

Ummm . . . yeah, ya cleared it, Lukah!  Ha ha! 
Again, her face is priceless.

So here are some other pretty cute kiddos I caught throughout the season . . .

Love her ponytail flying!

Love this one of Kate (even though she looks FREEZING!)

Look at this talented long jumper!!!!!!!!!

Here's muh girl, Jena!  LOVE HER (and her sassiness!)!  

Mikah has done the triple jump for 2 years now.  I'm told they like to put dancers in this event, because they already can leap. 

From what I've seen, that's a pretty good call on their part!  :)

How she, and the other jumpers, haven't blown their knees out yet, I will never understand!  OUCH!

Here are my sweet nephews, Mahx (is FREEZING on the left) and Jake (is in the middle with his movie star glasses on).  They came to watch Mikah's meet one day.  That meant a lot to her and it was awesome for me to get to spend some time catching up with them, since we don't get to see each other very often. 
I'm very proud of them -- Mahx is going to graduate from ISU (my alma mater!) next year and teach history, and Jake is on his way to Mizzou to follow his passion . . . journalism. Which for those who know me, mine is in mass communication -- very similar!

Anywho, thanks for coming guys!  We love you and are proud of you!

Love this picture of them with Cal!

So Miss Lukah is similar to her sister in probably only 1 way:  they both run the 800 M, and she also LOVES it!  

Here she is getting ready to start a race. 
Focused, focused.  :)

(Love the light on her face)

(Love those dimples!)

One thing I noticed about Lukah this season is that she was always making friends with the other girls running in her race as they lined up.  That makes me happy.  :)
Here she is, happily chatting, with her competitor. 

Run Forrest Lukah, run!

Hurry, Rosie!  She's gaining on ya!

Just finished a tough race. 

I love you girls!  I am proud of you both and your track accomplishments.  

'Til next year!  

Thanks for lookin'!  



  1. Love love love all the pics! Wow I can't belive those are the twins! I remember when they were born :) Your girls are so very pretty!

  2. Thanks Melissa! I know can you believe my nephews are all grown up? CRAZY
